Zombieland Rules for Copywriters Part 2

by John Geysen

Here’s part II of my Zombieland Rules for copywriters. (Part I)

Whether they are changing a great paragraph or telling you to “make it better,” the bloodthirsty undead are always lurking in copywriter’s life.

Limber up – Stretch or you may pull a muscle. The last thing that will help you survive is a sore leg in a chase. Take some time to do some free writing before you start a project – brainstorm, anything goes.

When in Doubt, Know Your Way Out– Plan your escape and be ready to go quickly. Standard career advice. Don’t burn bridges and keep that network fresh. They may save your ass.

Check the Back Seat– Zombies like to sneak up on you, particularly if you find yourself feeling secure. Keep working at your craft. Read a lot and be sure to check out copyblogger. Other writers/bloggers are.

The Buddy System – You can’t always look in front of you and behind you at the same time. Even though the common zombie is slow they can still surround you and trap you in a corner. With the help of a buddy you have a better chance of survival. Find yourself a good graphic designer.

Enjoy the little things– After the zombie or copywriter apocalypse, good things are hard to come by, so enjoy the little things. Whether it’s a moment of peace at lunch or the thrill that comes from crafting a great block of copy or headline – enjoy it. That’s why we write.

And finally Bill Murray’s cameo sure applies in some way. Let me know what you think.

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